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It truly was a psychosis.
In the name of “the science,” people did destructive and irrational and inhuman things, none of which accomplished much of anything — apart from disrupting people’s scheduled medical procedures, decimating people’s savings, destroying their businesses, and causing a spike in mental health problems, addiction, and suicide.
If people got sick with Covid, that was your fault! You weren’t complying with the wise measures recommended by people with white coats and clipboards.
The moralizing was deeply political: when Covid numbers would spike in a red state, that was stupid people getting what was coming to them for not complying. When they’d spike in a blue state, well, that was just one of those things.
Then, people who were paying attention noticed something…
If you adjusted for age (some states have older populations than others),
there didn’t seem to be any difference in health outcomes between states that locked down and states that didn’t, or states that forced masks on people and states that didn’t.
Demographically identical populations with different policies were
having the same results. If any of this stuff did any good, that should
not have happened.
And it did happen — consistently.
What we laughingly call our public health establishment never had to worry about being confronted about any of this, because our lapdog media knew these were forbidden questions. We were to go on pretending that the inhuman restrictions were doing lots of good and that all right-thinking
people supported them.
Diary of a Psychosis is different from all other books on Covid: it traces the development of the government response as it happened, bit by bit, and subjects it to relentless scrutiny: did any of it do any good?
And because the material is presented in diary form, it preserves some of the crucial day-to-day details that other chronicles have forgotten. It’s those little details of the bizarre behavior of those years that, presented together, preserve for the reader the full horror of the madness of those dark days.
What was done to us in 2020 and thereafter can never be allowed to happen again. Read Diary of a Psychosis, and share it with your kids, to arm yourself and them for a battle we may yet have to fight again.
On this page I’m taking no profit on the book. I’m selling it to you at cost: what it costs for me to get, and to ship to you.
Click the button below to order and claim your exclusive bonuses worth $46!
Tens of millions of Americans believed they were ‘saving lives’ by wearing masks and denouncing their neighbors. Diary of a Psychosis tells that story complete with all the shocking details, and it demolishes the case for the restrictions so mercilessly that you almost feel sorry for Dr. Fauci. Almost. On this topic my friend Tom Woods is at his best: informative, entertaining, and
flat-out devastating.”
The trauma of the pandemic years demands crystal clear recollection…. Tom was a voice of reason and science.”
The COVID-19 pandemic was studded with a countless array of policy decisions, and it’s easy to forget just how authoritarian, overbearing, and senseless nearly every government was. Tom captures every important moment. Lovers of freedom whose memories may not be as good as his will benefit from reading this work and refamiliarizing ourselves with just what we are up against.”
Diary of a Psychosis is a gripping account of a disgraceful descent into deceit by the authorities during the Covid pandemic, all the more vivid for being reported in real time as it happened.”
When you order Diary of a Psychosis, you’ll get a special bonus ebook, Collateral Damage.
During the Covid years we heard plenty of state propaganda about social distancing and masks and why your kids couldn’t go to the playground.
What we absolutely did not hear were stories about people who suffered under these restrictions. And there are more of them than we can possibly count.
Readers of my newsletter were writing to me every day about families pitted against themselves, about devastated careers, about missed surgeries, about loved ones forced to die alone, about isolation and grief and frustration and sadness and incredulity that any of this could be happening in the first place.
We never got to hear those stories. They weren’t allowed. If you complained about the lockdowns that was because you were a selfish person who wanted to get a haircut and then kill your grandmother.
People were shamed into keeping silent about what was happening to them.
My companion book Collateral Damage: Victims of the Lockdown Regime Tell Their Stories, is my effort to rectify that injustice.
Those stories need to be heard. They need to be heard because refusing to hear them is inhuman. They need to be heard because these are real people who are just as entitled to human compassion as anyone else.
And they need to be heard because if historians are ever to tell the true story of what happened to us during these years, these kinds of stories are indispensable. No chart or graph can substitute for them.
Buy a copy of Diary of a Psychosis by clicking the button below so I can send you a free electronic copy of Collateral Damage.
When I finished Diary of a Psychosis I took a step back and realized it was just too darn long.
I loved everything I had written, but the longer a book is the lower the chance someone will pick it up in the first place.
And I want a lot of people to read this book.
So I started chopping away.
And then I realized: there are some people out there who would prefer the longer version.
So I decided to compromise: I would release the deleted chapters as a separate, standalone volume.
This is also where you can find all my color graphics, which weren’t going to work for a black-and-white print book. Those color graphics absolutely crush the bad guys, trust me.
Diary of a Psychosis: The Deleted Chapters ebook is yours free when you pick up your copy of Diary of a Psychosis and enter your information below.
Click the button below to get your copy of Diary of a Psychosis for exactly what it costs me to get and ship, and claim your free bonuses!
Despite holding a Ph.D. from Columbia University and an undergraduate degree from Harvard, Tom Woods is rather a clever fellow, and at the sprightly age of 47 was honored in Vienna with the Hayek Lifetime Achievement Award.
Tom is the New York Times bestselling author of
13 books, which have been translated into a dozen languages. Check out the Tom Woods Show wherever you listen to podcasts.
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