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Thanks so much for buying your copy of Diary of a Psychosis! And your bonus eBooks are heading to your email inbox this very moment.

But I have one more thing I need to tell you…

The bad guys are on the march wherever we look.
Isn’t it about time we did more than read books?

As an author I’m not about to discourage you from reading books. But let’s face facts: 

Crazy and sinister people, who also happen to despise you, have gained control of every major institution in the Western world.
We have to figure out what to do, and it’s going to involve more than reading.
Despite your best efforts, today you have to worry that your children will have their minds colonized by people with weird and destructive ideologies.
The Federal Reserve makes prices go up and strips away what savings you’ve managed to accumulate.
The federal government pressures businesses to make unreasonable health demands of you, or you’re fired.
And that’s just for starters.
Yes, let’s read the books and take the courses and be as smart as we can be. No argument there. But in 2024, you and I know that’s not enough.
Last year I decided I’d done what I could do in educating people, and that the logical next step was to do something, to help people become unbreakable in a world that hates them.
Thus the Tom Woods School of Life was born.
And I’m inviting you to take it for a spin for a full 60 days.
Nobody else is doing what we are, and we all need a community of normal people if we’re going to get through what the crazies have in store for us.
Twice a month I bring the best minds I can find, and they teach us something practical to make us smarter, stronger, more prosperous, and better insulated against the psychos who rule us.
There’s no theory here. Finally, some action.
Also: we keep each other accountable in our small groups. Whether it’s starting a business so we’re not tethered to The Man, or getting that book published, or becoming physically fit and losing weight, people have much more success in our groups (where they get excellent advice and make valuable connections) than they do on their own.
Our groups are “the best things Tom has ever done,” says member Kevin Stokes, who has started two successful businesses under our guidance.
Tom Woods School of Life
Here’s some of what you’ll find inside the
Tom Woods School of Life:
  •  The most canceled filmmaker in America, and how he’s more successful and fulfilled than ever (session 26).
  •  Fitness facts and fallacies: exercises that waste your time or risk injury, and exercises that actually help you make progress (Henri Pellerin video).
  •  A former U.S. congressman, in fact the last Republican opponent of the Iraq war to retire, on relocation in an age of psychotic state governments (session 5).
  • The owner of a 7-figure cooking website, who taught us how she built it (and she happens to be one of our members; as I said, this community is full of impressive people). (Session 9.)
  • An expert on getting other people to pay for your kids’ schooling (if you know where to look, you can start getting scholarships in first grade!). (Session 11.)
  • A hostage negotiator on how Harvard’s myths about negotiating, believed by everyone, are making you not get what you want — and how to turn that around (session 21).
  • A free-market professor from Columbia Business School (I promise he’s a good guy) who revealed the best investments for today’s upside-down world (session 3).
  • A man in his mid-30s whose words have sold $400 million in goods and services, on an occupation perfect for liberty lovers that requires no formal training, that you can’t be fired from, and that you can learn in a month (Henry Bingaman video).
  • Harry Browne’s secret for becoming debt-free in just seven months (session 2).
  • How two working parents can homeschool their kids without stress (AMA session).
  • How to keep your homeschooled kids engaged and motivated (forget the threats and bribes – this is a much easier and practical solution) (AMA session).
  • How to master the rare skill that will get you ahead in business (and in life), and make you look like a boss to your friends (session 15). (I teach you this myself!)
  • How to de-program the heavily propagandized (CJ Killmer video).
  • How to raise money to start a business and declare your independence (John Foster video).
  •  The best-performing asset class of the past four generations – and it isn’t even close (session 3).
  •  How about this one: how far you should live from a nuclear power plant (and did you know it depends on whether you’re east or west of the plant?) (Session 6.)
  •  How not to write like a dork, and instead stand out from the pack with your writing (session 27, with New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods – that’s me).
  • How to quiet that inner critic that undermines your every move (session 16).
  • How to come up with a business idea you can implement and scale in record time (session 7).
  • The supposedly “dying industries” that are generating massive returns (session 3).
  • Specific strategies to win in a blue state when you’re hopelessly outnumbered (Ali Rak video).

And I'm inviting you to take it for a spin for a full 60 days for just twenty lousy smackers.

So let’s recap. We all know we’ve needed this. Now it’s here. Click the button below and check us out for 60 days!